Why Do African Violet Leaves Curl or Reach Upwards?

Why Do African Violet Leaves Curl or Droop Downwards?

What Are the Symptoms of Dry Soil on African Violet Leaves?

Examples of 2″, 3″ & 4″ plastic pots, great to keep a few extra in your growing tools:

What are the Symptoms of Root Rot on African Violet Leaves?

What are the Symptoms and Remedy of Root Bound Soil on African Violet Leaves?

African Violet, perlite and other potting mixes shown below:

What are the Symptoms of Excessive Light on African Violet leaves?

Below are examples of light meters, useful to keep in your growing area, especially when monitoring low or bright light intensity.

How to Remedy Curling/ Drooping Leaves Due to Excessive Light in African Violet Plants?

What are the Symptoms of Low Light on African Violet Leaves?

How to Remedy Curling/ Upward Reaching Leaves Due to Low Natural Light in African Violet Plants?

How to Remedy Curling/ Upward Reaching Leaves Due to Low Fluorescent Light in African Violet Plants?

What Are the Symptoms of Curling/Drooping Leaves due to Excessive Heat in African Violet Plants?

How to Remedy Curling/ Drooping Leaves Due To Excessive Heat in African Violet Plants?

Ceramic pots with different designs, can be used as a nice outer container for your African Violet plants, as shown below:

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24 Responses

  1. Hello Pamela,
    thank you for your kind words. I am happy to hear the articles were useful.

  2. I used to raise African Violets probably 30 years ago, and these articles have brought back a lot of stuff I used to do to tend my plants. Good memories, I loved my plants! I had grown an u usually big and beautiful purple AV with a single yellow center, I can’t tell you the name of it now, but I could name them all! My kids were jumping on their bunk beds and knocked a big picture off the wall and right on top of my AV, it cut the edges o the leaves off at the edge of th pot! I tried to save it, an I was sick cause I could t. It was in shock. It was the most beautiful and the biggest AV I’ve ever seen. Now for some reason, I’ve decided to try again! Wish me luck. Your articles hot me all fired up and ready to go! No where could I find an AV I had to go on internet to see if I could buy one and I bought 2 instead. One like the one I lost and a pink one. At one time I probably had 30 different Ave. Wish me luck. Thanks!!!

  3. Hello Elaine,
    thank you so much for posting your experience with African Violets. Yes, many people have come back to the hobby and I am happy to hear you are one of them. Best of luck with your violets!! Happy Growing!

  4. I repotted mine and now it’s drooping. It did well where it is before repotting. I think the pot may be too big. Should I cut off the lower dtoopy leaves & put into a smaller pot? The leaves look green & healthy, just droopy.

  5. I recently purchased a small african violet – repotted it – it sits facing north on a window sill, no direct sun. It initially dropped all of it’s flowers but is now flowering again. I water it once per week and use a weak non urea fertilizer ( 14-12-14). Recently one leaf became very soggy looking and eventually dropped off. Now another leaf is doing the same. The rest of the plant looks very healthy. Is this normal? I try not to get any water on the leaves when watering.

  6. Hello Vivian,
    thank you for your message. If the leaves are drooping after repotting, its still acclimatizing to the new soil. You can place the plant into a ziploc baggie for a week or so and see how it does. Remove any mushy leaves. If they are just droopy, still green in color, you can leave them. If they have become mushy, greyish / brownish in color, soft to touch and not firm then remove them. For size of pot guidelines, can check out, http://www.babyviolets.com/what-pot-size-to-use-for-african-violet-plants/. For now, since you just repotted, dont re-pot again, put in a plastic bag and see how it does. If nothing changes, then yes, can repot into a smaller pot and place in a baggie again for a few weeks.
    Hope this helps,

  7. Hell Deborah,
    thank you for your question. Dropping of flowers is fine, glad to hear its re-flowering, maybe the flowers were just old and maybe since you brought it home, it was a change of environment. Are these leaves on the outer rim or the outer ring of the leaves. If yes, then older outer leaves regularly drop off, they become dried or brown in color. You can gently remove that leaf along with its leaf stem, snap off the leaf stem closer to the crown/main stem. If another leaf is also become soggy, that’s ok, as long as its not the middle or center row of leaves. You can stop watering for now, does the soil always look wet/moist. You can allow the soil to dry out for a bit, not completely bone dry, but at least dry enough, when you stick your finger in the soil, it should feel dry upto 1 inch inside. If the rest of the plant looks fine, then yes this is normal. Good to hear you are not getting any water on the leaves. Can visit, my post, http://www.babyviolets.com/how-to-groom-african-violet-plants/, how to groom plants, which can provide more detail on removing older leaves. Hope this helps.

  8. Ruth Warren here, need to know what could be the problem with my african violet which has pink leaves. it looks drooping leaves. I have check water and driness looks normal. please help.

  9. Hello Ruth, When you say pink leaves, are the underside of the leaves pink / red (the underneath area). I have not heard of pink leaves, unless it has pink variegation mixed with green/white or cream. If they are the outer older leaves, the drooping is normal, they need to be removed as part of general grooming. Have you re-potted lately. If its been in the same pot for over 6 months, it may be time to re-pot. Drooping leaves are a sign of either under or overwatering, or too much light. Hope this helps, you can send a pic to babyvioletss@gmail.com, that way I can see the plant. regards, BV

  10. Hi, I bought a violet at Lowe’s because I didn’t have on with the flowers it had. I saw it had 3 good size suckers on it. I put it in quarantine for about 3 weeks. It was doing great. I decided to remove the suckers to plant them. I removed the 2 biggest ones. The next day the violet started to droop. I thought, and still do, that it was in shock. It didn’t get any better. I finally took off leaves and reported it in a smaller pot. Now the crown is decaying. Do you think it was from taking off the suckers? I’ve never heard of that, but the flowers and the leaves were perfect until then. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you!

  11. Hello Juana,
    thank you for your African Violet question. I dont think it was from taking off the suckers. Unless while remove the suckers, the plant stem/crown area was scrapped off too much or it was repotted into heavy moist soil. Sorry to hear that the crown is decaying, there is not much you can do next to save the crown. I have not heard before, of a plant going down hill after removing the suckers. I dont think it was that. Maybe next time, if you remove lots of large suckers from the plant, you can put your original plant in a ziploc baggie for a few weeks. The extra humidity, will help it perk up. Not sure, what else could have caused your original plant to start drooping. Glad to hear you saved some leaves and have planted the suckers. regards, BV

  12. My violets are flowering, lots of blossoms but the flowers are smaller then usual. The plants are also dropping outer leaves. Is this caused by high temperatures, very warm here the last month or more.

  13. Hello Everett,
    thank you for your question. Usually, it is normal for the older outer leaves to droop over time and die off. If its only a few drooping outer leaves, you can remove them. If its the whole row, the leaves are overcrowded and only the outer leaves are drooping, you can remove those leaves too. Drooping leaves which are soft to touch and limp and have lost there shine/luster, could be dry soil. If the lower leaves are brown and mushy, it could be over watered. This can also happen, if the plant has gone through dry/wet cycles, that is if the plant was bone dry, then it was watered and then again it became dry. This can stress out the leaves. If the leaves are crunchy, tightly growing together and hugging the rim of the pot, it could be excessive light. I am not sure if high temperatures can cause drooping, usually violets are resilient. Unless those high temps, kept drying out the soil, that could cause droopiness. Hope this helps, regards, BV

  14. Regarding the dry soil. I use only peat and perilite for soil. Could the wick be worn out? Thanks again for your input.

  15. Hello Everett,
    thank you for your question. I think using peat moss and perlite in soil is ok, it shouldnt dry out the wick. You can add a thin layer of perlite at the bottom of the pot, then top off with peat moss+perlite soil mix. Also before putting the wick in the pot, can make sure its moist/wet. Yes, the wick can wear out over time. Can change the wick every 6-8 months, when you re-pot is a good time to change the wick too. Yes you are right, a worn out wick can cause dry soil. Hope this helps,

  16. Hello Everett,
    thank you for your question. I think using peat moss and perlite in soil is ok, it shouldnt dry out the wick. You can add a thin layer of perlite at the bottom of the pot, then top off with peat moss+perlite soil mix. Also before putting the wick in the pot, can make sure its moist/wet. Yes, the wick can wear out over time. Can change the wick every 6-8 months, when you re-pot is a good time to change the wick too. Yes you are right, a worn out wick can cause dry soil. Hope this helps,

  17. All leaves are curling under, it is not in direct sun light. The home is cool temp w/ AC.
    Should I place a plastic bag on top?
    Thank you,

  18. Hello Tami, thank you for your question. If the leaves are curling under, yes it may be cold temperatures if its not too much sunlight. You can place a bag on top, check after 1-2 weeks if that made a difference. If not, can move to a south facing window or a place which doesnt get too much bright light. Hopefully that will help. BV

  19. Ok. I have a very tightly packed violet. The leaves are curled under and brittle. I am so glad I found this sight!!! She is under a grow light so not sure if she’s getting too much light, but I’m going to move her over just out of the grow light for a month and see if that helps her. I’m also going to repot her. Thank you do much for this info! I’ll try to repost how she is doing if I remember 😉

  20. Hello, one of my African Violets leaves are a pale green and redish colour on the stem and back of the leaves. The leaves also sick straight up in the air and feel a bit stiff. It doesn’t have a tight centre.

  21. Hello Lorraine,
    thank you for your question. Regarding the leaves, some African Violets do have reddish color backs and stems, that seems to be normal. If the leaves are sticking up in the air, it maybe that they are reaching for light. You can move the plant to another location, which receives more sunlight, after 2-3 weeks the leaves should lay flat and not stick up in the air. If the leaves are stiff, is the soil too dry? Watering may help. regards, BV

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