Why do African Violet plants need to be in a certain size pots?

What is the ideal pot size for my African Violet plant?

(a) Choosing pot size based upon type of African Violet:

Examples of 2″ & 3″plastic pots, great to keep a few extra in your growing tools:

(b) Choosing pot size based upon diameter of African Violet plant:

Examples of 2″ & 3″plastic pots, great to keep a few extra in your growing tools:

(c) Choosing pot size based upon the size of your African Violet plants roots:

Examples of 4″ plastic pots, great to keep a few extra in your growing tools:

What happens if pot size is too small for my African Violet plant?

Examples of self watering pots for African Violet plants as shown below:

How can I pot up my African Violet plant in a larger pot?

Examples of self watering pots for African Violet plants as shown below:

What happens if my pot is too large for my African Violet plant?

African Violet potting mix, perlite and coco coir shown below:

How can I pot down my African Violet plant in a smaller pot?

Perlite mixes shown below:

How many holes should my African Violet pot have for drainage?

Examples of self watering pots for African Violet plants as shown below:

What kind of pot should I use for African Violet trailer plants?

Few more examples of bulb pans for African Violet trailing plants as shown below:

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16 Responses

  1. Hello Patricia,

    thanks for your question. Yes, I actually realized that I forgot to put in the pot info. I will go ahead and add that. There are lots of places to buy African Violet pots. Can try first with Robs, Lyons and a few sellers on Ebay. Of course can also find them here too, https://amzn.to/3abuKqz these are 2″ ones, https://amzn.to/2UtDkKD these are 4″ ones, I like the Dillon ones, I have used them for years in a smaller size. These are 3″ ones, https://amzn.to/2UcsbPP. There are also fancy self watering ones, like these, https://amzn.to/3hiPYH5, but I havent had any personal experience with self watering. Hope this helps,

  2. I really enjoy all the info you provide.
    Always something new to learn.
    Thank you,

  3. Wonderful info and images! You might want to fix a little typo under “How can I pot up my African Violet plant in a larger pot?”@ point 13 “You can not add soil in the pot to cover the roots and any empty pockets in the pot.”
    I think you meant “can now add”

  4. I am having a hard time finding shallow well draining plastic pots for my trailing AV. Also what is “Robs and Lyons” for pots? Are they stores? Thanks

  5. Hello Karil,
    thank you for your question. Dr. Ralph Robinson (Robs) is an African Violet hybridizer and the owner of the store “Violet Barn”. Lyons is also a violet store, “Lyndon Lyons Greenhouses”. For trailers, I would recommend a bulb or azalea pan, similar to these, https://amzn.to/2OuNFE9 or
    https://amzn.to/2Ow52UZ . Hope this helps, regards, BV

  6. I have a violet that is 11″ across and the roots are growing done the wick at the bottom of the 4″ pot. My question is, the plant is in full bloom, about 15 flowers and another 10 or 15 buds yet to open. Should I wait till flowers die off to pot up ? Thank You so much, great site.

  7. Hello Everett,
    thank you for your question. Yes you are right, you can wait till your plant has gone through its bloom cycle to re-pot the plant. Let the flowers dry up before re-potting. Hope this helps, regards, BV

  8. I am new in growing AV, would like to know if AV can be planted in terracota pots or need to be in plastic pots? Thanks in advance.

  9. Hello Rita,
    thank you for your question. I would recommend plastic pots, they are low maintenance. You dont have to worry about watering as with terracotta pots. With terra cotta pots, you have to keep an eye that the soil doesnt dry out too much. If your plant is in an office and you are constantly close by to monitor the soil dryness, then you can use terracotta. However, for a fuss free pot, plastic ones are best. Can learn more about pots here, http://www.babyviolets.com/what-are-the-best-type-of-pots-for-african-violets/.

  10. Hello Nancy, thank you for your question. It may be that your plant has outgrown its pot, you can re-pot in a fresh soil and / or a larger pot, if the plant has not been re-potted in the past 8 months. It could also be that the plant was potted in shallow soil, if you still have space in the pot, you can cover the roots with fresh soil. Another method, would be to re-pot the plant in the same soil, remove the plant, then place it deeper into the pot, so the roots and inside the pot deeper, then cover with remaining soil or fresh soil if needed. Hope this helps, regards, BV

  11. I bought my AVs at a grocery store during some impulse shopping. How do I know which AV type I have? They both sit in their own 4” pot. I see references to miniature AV but they both look small to me!

  12. Hello,
    thank you for your question. Usually when you purchase from a grocery store, the violets are from Holtkmap greenhouses. They are some type of Optimara violets. Did they come with a label or small name on the side of the pot, usually the series name is mentioned? You can check the optimara website to find out, however they have hundreds of violets, it may be difficult to exactly identify. Sorry, couldnt be of much help, regards, BV

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