Capillary Mat Watering African Violet Plants : How To Use And Set Up
What are mats / capillary matting? Examples of capillary matting used for watering African Violet plants shown below: How does capillary matting work; for African Violet plants? What materials to use for capillary mat watering of African Violet plants? Examples of capillary matting used for watering African Violet plants shown below: How to prepare your […]
Cleaning African Violet Plants, Why & How To?
Why clean your African Violet plants? Which tool should I use to brush off / clean dust / soil from African Violet leaves? Below are recommendations of useful items used to clean / groom African Violet plants: How to brush off / clean dust / soil from African Violet plants? Below are recommendations of useful […]
Why Are My African Violet Leaves Soft, Limp or Mushy?
Why do leaves turn soft, limp or mushy on my African Violet plants? What to do if your African Violet leaves have turned soft, limp or mushy from overwatering? How to prevent African Violet leaves from turning soft, limp or mushy due to overwatering? Below are perlite recommendations, useful for potting up suckers, as an […]
African Violet Show Plants: How To Begin?
Local African Violet clubs affiliated with the African Violet Society of America (AVSA), host annual plant shows. These shows many times also include plant displays and African Violet sales to raise funds for their club. Another goal is to arouse interest for African Violets among the general public by providing helpful growing tips. Please note, […]
Foliar Feeding African Violet Plants
How to Foliar Feed? Foliar feeding involves gently spraying the African Violet leaves with a diluted mixture of plant fertilizer. a) Preparing the fertilizer mix for foliar feeding: b) How to apply fertilizer mix to African violet leaves? Why Do We Need to Dilute the Foliar Feeding Fertilizer? What Kind of Water to Use for […]
How to Water African Violet Plants?
African Violet Plants need to be watered depending upon each plants individual environment. Depending upon whether African Violets are in a hot, dry, comfortable or cold environment, the frequency and amount of water changes. Below are common questions answered about watering African Violet plants and hopefully you will be able to pick up some useful […]
Brown Leaves on African Violet Plants
Why do leaves turn brown on my African Violet plants and how to prevent it? The main reasons are: Below are examples of temperature and humidity meters, useful to keep in your growing area, especially when monitoring powdery mildew on your plants. Why do you have to remove brown leaves from African Violet plants? Examples […]
Fertilizer for African Violet Plants
Here, we will only talk about fertilizer requirements for an African violet plant growing as a houseplant and not those growing for show (as show plants require fertilizer during exact timed intervals and in different amounts). Major components of fertilizer: Examples of commercially available African Violet fertilizers below: Which commercial fertilizer to use for African […]