Capillary Mat Watering African Violet Plants : How To Use And Set Up

What are mats / capillary matting? Examples of capillary matting used for watering African Violet plants shown below: How does capillary matting work; for African Violet plants? What materials to use for capillary mat watering of African Violet plants? Examples of capillary matting used for watering African Violet plants shown below: How to prepare your […]
What To Do When Bringing Home A New African Violet Plant?

When you first bring home a new African Violet plant, you have to quarantine/isolate it from your other plants. The African Violet plant, may be from a big box store, a reputable vendor store, an online vendor, a friend, round robin, African Violet show or African Violet club. In all these circumstances, always remember to […]
How To Groom African Violet Plants?

Why Is It Necessary To Groom African Violet Plants? Grooming Habit I – Removing Flowers Grooming Habit II – Removing Leaves Grooming Habit III – Checking for African Violet Suckers Grooming Habit IV – Spacing And Rotating African Violet Plants Tool recommendations below, useful in regular cleaning of African Violet plants. Grooming Habits V – […]