Artificial Lighting For African Violet Plants: Part II LED Lighting

What are LED Lights: How do LED lights generate light? LED Lights Compared To Fluorescent Lights: African Violet Plants Underneath LED Lights: Replacement LED Tube Light Bulbs: LED replacement T8 tube light bulbs: Below are recommendations for LED replacement T8 bulbs to grow African Violet plants: Direct-wire/Ballast bypass LED tubes: Below are recommendations for Direct-wire/Ballast […]
Artificial Lighting For African Violet Plants: Part I Fluorescent Lighting

Definitions: Below are examples of light meters, useful to keep in your growing area, especially when monitoring low or bright light intensity. Lights: Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Below are recommendations for T12 bulbs to grow African Violet plants: Below are recommendations for T8 bulbs to grow African Violet plants: Below are recommendations for T5 bulbs to […]
Why Are My African Violet Leaves Curling Upwards or Downwards?

Why Do African Violet Leaves Curl or Reach Upwards? Why Do African Violet Leaves Curl or Droop Downwards? What Are the Symptoms of Dry Soil on African Violet Leaves? Examples of 2″, 3″ & 4″ plastic pots, great to keep a few extra in your growing tools: What are the Symptoms of Root Rot on […]
Growing African Violets Under Low Light: Symptoms?

What Happens When African Violets Are Not Getting Enough Natural Light? Why Is My African Violet Plant Leggy? Why Are The Leaves On My African Violet Plant Growing Upwards? Is My African Violet Plant Not Blooming Because Of Low Light? African Violet, perlite and other potting mixes shown below: How To Control Natural Light When […]
Tight Crowns on African Violet Plants

Tight crowns or tight centers on African Violet plants can unfortunately occur when we are overzealous with fertilizer, light, heat or due to heavy soil or cyclamen mite infestation. (For information on normal rosette or trailing growth habit in African Violets, visit “What are different types of African Violets?“). What is a tight crown in […]
Natural Light for African Violet Plants

Below are commonly asked questions about growing African Violets in natural light. Do African Violets need direct sunlight? How much sun do African Violets need? How many lumens of light do African Violets need? Below are examples of light meters, useful to keep in your growing area, especially when monitoring how your African Violet plants […]
Fertilizer for African Violet Plants

Here, we will only talk about fertilizer requirements for an African violet plant growing as a houseplant and not those growing for show (as show plants require fertilizer during exact timed intervals and in different amounts). Major components of fertilizer: Examples of commercially available African Violet fertilizers below: Which commercial fertilizer to use for African […]
Ideal Conditions to Grow African Violet Plants

These are a few general points on how to grow /maintain African Violet plants. Pot Size: Below are examples of plastic pots of different sizes: Soil: Watering: Add water from side of pot or into dish/tray/saucer/container the pot is sitting in. For more details on wick watering African Violet plants, can visit blog post, “Wick […]