What are the Different Leaf Types of African Violet Plants?

Plain African Violet Leaf Type: Ovate African Violet Leaf Type: Pointed African Violet Leaf Type: Heart African Violet Leaf Type: Serrated African Violet Leaf Type: Wavy/Ruffled African Violet Leaf Type: Longifolia African Violet Leaf Type: Quilted African Violet Leaf Type: Scalloped African Violet Leaf Type: Bustle African Violet Leaf Type: African Violet and other potting […]

Yellow Leaves on African Violet Plants

Why do leaves turn yellow on my African Violet plants and how to prevent it? The main reasons are: Normal growth: As the plant grows, some of the older leaves on the outer ring will turn yellow and it’s time to remove them as part of routine grooming the plant. Water deficiency: the soil is […]

SHOP is now open for African Violet Plants. Shipping is $15 for the first plant and $1 extra for each additional plant added to the order. I will include a heat pack with every order. If too cold to ship, I can keep your plants on hold. Our Plants Are Well Rooted Small Starter Plants In 2" Pots. Learn More About Our Plants & Shipping Method in the "About" tab. Dismiss