Artificial Lighting For African Violet Plants: Part II LED Lighting

What are LED Lights: How do LED lights generate light? LED Lights Compared To Fluorescent Lights: African Violet Plants Underneath LED Lights: Replacement LED Tube Light Bulbs: LED replacement T8 tube light bulbs: Below are recommendations for LED replacement T8 bulbs to grow African Violet plants: Direct-wire/Ballast bypass LED tubes:  Below are recommendations for Direct-wire/Ballast […]

SHOP is now open for African Violet Plants. Shipping is $15 for the first plant and $1 extra for each additional plant added to the order. I will include a heat pack with every order. If too cold to ship, I can keep your plants on hold. Our Plants Are Well Rooted Small Starter Plants In 2" Pots. Learn More About Our Plants & Shipping Method in the "About" tab. Dismiss