Cyclamen Mites on African Violet Plants

What are Cyclamen Mites? Cyclamen mites are very tiny pests, belonging to the spider family; they are spider like and can attack African Violet plants. They are very small, measuring just 0.5mm in length and are usually invisible to the naked eye. You would need a magnifying glass to see them. Cyclamen Mites feed on […]
What To Do When Bringing Home A New African Violet Plant?

When you first bring home a new African Violet plant, you have to quarantine/isolate it from your other plants. The African Violet plant, may be from a big box store, a reputable vendor store, an online vendor, a friend, round robin, African Violet show or African Violet club. In all these circumstances, always remember to […]
Tight Crowns on African Violet Plants

Tight crowns or tight centers on African Violet plants can unfortunately occur when we are overzealous with fertilizer, light, heat or due to heavy soil or cyclamen mite infestation. (For information on normal rosette or trailing growth habit in African Violets, visit “What are different types of African Violets?“). What is a tight crown in […]