Fertilizer & Tools
Showing all 30 results
African Violet Book
African Violet Book
African Violet Book
African Violet Sucker Plucker Tool
AV Fertilizer
Cleaning Tools
Concentrated Neem Oil
Dixie Cups For Leaves Starter Plants
Fairy garden tool kit
Fish Emulsion
Green Cleaner Mites
Growing to Show
How to Select and Grow African Violets
Imidacloprid Systemic Granules
Immunox Fungicide
Jacks Classic Special Fertilizer 8 Oz 12-36-14
Mini garden tool kit
Neem Oil Spray
Optimara Violet Food
pH control kit
pH soil tester
Plant mister
Rooting hormone
Safer Diatomaceous Earth
Soil pH test kit
Spray Bottles
Sucker plucker tool2
Sucker plucker tool3
The African violet Bible
The African Violet Handbook