What are mats / capillary matting?

Examples of capillary matting used for watering African Violet plants shown below:

How does capillary matting work; for African Violet plants?

What materials to use for capillary mat watering of African Violet plants?

Examples of capillary matting used for watering African Violet plants shown below:

How to prepare your capillary mat for watering African Violet plants?

Try to use long thin spout watering cans as shows below for watering African Violets, its easier to give water to the potting soil this way.

Different ways to set up your capillary mats for watering African Violet plants?

Method 1:

Below are recommendations for permanest & 1020 trays, these are great for keeping African violets in on a shelf

Method 2:

Different types of 1040 plant trays, great for watering African Violet plants, carrying them or displaying them in the trays.

Below are recommendations of grids which can fit over a tray for wick watering African Violets:

What kind of soil to use for capillary mat watering of African Violet plants?

African Violet potting soil & perlite shown below:

What kind of fertilizer to use for capillary mat watering African Violet plants?

Examples of commercially available African Violet fertilizers below:

How much water to add to capillary mat for watering African Violet plants?

How to clean your capillary mats and when to replace your capillary mats?

Examples of commercially available bleach solutions, great for cleaning trays, tools & old African violet pots below:

What are the benefits of capillary mat watering African Violet plants?

What are the disadvantages of capillary matting?

Ceramic pots with different designs, can be used as a nice outer container for your African Violet plants, as shown below:

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3 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for a beautifully explained and clearly written article. I am changing over from wick watering to capillary mat watering. And this article came at the right time for me.
    Many thanks,

  2. Hello Patricia,
    thank you for your kind words. So happy to hear the article was useful. Regards, BV

  3. Another way to increase humidity is to use a self-watering device, such as the Watermaid, which relies on capillary matting to draw water into the soil. Where capillary matting is used, low humidity is rarely a problem. A similar solution is to place containers of water around the plants. As with capillary matting, evaporation increases the water content in the air surrounding your Violets.

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