African Violet Flowers:

Parts of an African Violet Flower:

  1. Petals:

2. Stamen:

3. Pistil:

4. Stem:

African Violet Leaf:

Parts Of An African Violet Leaf:

Examples of 2″ & 3″plastic pots, great to keep a few extra in your growing tools:

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14 Responses

  1. Hello,
    thank you for your question. The anther contains the pollen sacs. Its the yellow powdery substance is the pollen. Its not a seed. Its the part that attaches to the stigma, where the seed is formed in the ovary. Hope this helps,

  2. Hello Sue, thank you for your question. Yes the tiny leaves on the bloom talk are known as “leaflets”. The main stem of the flower is called a “peduncle”. From this peduncle, the bloom stalk (which holds the flower) will branch off. Its on this bloom stalk that the tiny leaves appear. The leaves appear just slightly above the junction (joining point) where the bloom stalk meets the peduncle. Hope this makes sense. Maybe I can include a diagram in one of my posts.

  3. Can not thank you enough for this clear, concise info! Ive been searching for such to share with fellow AV lovers in a FB group I’m in.

    Again, thank you!

  4. My violet has started to bloom again but only one of the 3 flowers that have opened so far have anthers, the others do not! Is this normal?

  5. Hello N, thank you for your question. Yes this is normal, sometimes the flowers will not have anthers. I did hear about a new Optimara line of african violet plants which were anthereless and the anthers were omitted to prevent the transmission of flower bugs like thrips. Hope this helps,

  6. Hi. My violet blooms did not develop well, they dried up while very small (next time I will water more abundantly)… Once very shrivelled and dry, I cleaned up with tweezers and gently pulled each dried flower stem from their common base. That left the common base visible, looking dry itself, with very small holes. By the next day I noticed the two newish small upright leaves to be loose at that same flower stem base and have since half wilted. My Q’s are two…. 1) What is the name of the base from where the flower stems grow out of? and…. 2) How is it the two leaves were compromised by (I assume) my action? Thank you! : D

  7. Hello Linda,
    thank you for your question. I think the base from where the flower stem originates is called a node. Its the area between 2 leaves. It maybe that while you were trying to remove the flower stem using the tweezers, it sliced the neighboring leaves slightly too. That happens sometimes, the plant should recover and other surrounding leaves will take over that empty space soon. Hope this helps, BV

  8. Are stems and stalks the same thing? I get confused about the various parts of an AV. I am searching for a diagram of ALL the parts of an AV, from top to bottom (under soil). And what is “pinching?” Seems to be better to cut a flower off? A place we should “pinch” would be good to show on the diagram. I know so little!

  9. What is the difference between a stem and a stalk? I am trying to read instructions for taking care of and pruning AVs, but the terminology confuses me. I am NEW to this process, haven’t had an AV for about 40 years. I have a tiny one that bloomed profusely, flowers died, I did pinch them off with fingers, that left a long “stem” or “stalk” which I am not sure of. So do new flowers grow off that same stem/stalk? So I pinch flowers right underneath each one, not down the stem/stalk? Or remove the entire stem/stalk? I guess I can do it various ways and see what happens!

  10. Hello Susan,
    thank you for your question. The stalk is the main trunk of the plant. This is the long part from which the roots grow out of. Stalk can be interchangeably used with plant stem too. If it says plant stem then it refers to the plant stalk. However, if it says leaf stem or flower stem then it refers to the small thin green part which is underneath or connected to the leaf or flower. If you pinched off the flowers and are left with the long stem or stalk, you are welcome to remove those too. When removing the flowers the stem part should also be removed from the base of where it is attached to the stalk of the whole plant. Yes you are correct, you should remove the entire stem. New flowers, along with new stems will grow from the main stalk/trunk of the plant. New flowers will not grow again off that same stalk/stem, they need to be removed. When they say pinching, it refers to removing the flowers from the base of its stem, that is completely removing the flower+stem from its base. Hope this makes sense. I like your idea of having a diagram showing where exactly to pinch or remove the flowers. Will keep that in mind. regards,BV

  11. Hello Susan,
    thank you for your question. The stalk is the main trunk of the plant. This is the long part from which the roots grow out of. Stalk can be interchangeably used with plant stem too. If it says plant stem then it refers to the plant stalk. However, if it says leaf stem or flower stem then it refers to the small thin green part which is underneath or connected to the leaf or flower. If you pinched off the flowers and are left with the long stem or stalk, you are welcome to remove those too. When removing the flowers the stem part should also be removed from the base of where it is attached to the stalk of the whole plant. Yes you are correct, you should remove the entire stem. New flowers, along with new stems will grow from the main stalk/trunk of the plant. New flowers will not grow again off that same stalk/stem, they need to be removed. When they say pinching, it refers to removing the flowers from the base of its stem, that is completely removing the flower+stem from its base. Hope this makes sense. I like your idea of having a diagram showing where exactly to pinch or remove the flowers. Will keep that in mind. regards,BV

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