Root rot on African Violet plants can unfortunately occur when we are overzealous with watering African Violets. Over-watering can permanently damage African Violet roots and lead to the plants death.
These are common questions answered about African Violet root rot:

What is Root Rot?

What Causes Root Rot and How Does It Occur?

African Violet, coco coir and other potting mixes shown below:

What are the External Plant Symptoms of Root Rot?

What are the Internal Plant Symptoms of Root Rot?

Can Root Rot Be Reversed?

Can I Save an African Violet Plant Dying From Root Rot?

How to Remedy Root Rot in African Violet Plants?

Below are perlite recommendations, useful for potting up suckers, as an additive to soil or even used a thin layer at the bottom of a pot for drainage.

Examples of self watering pots for African Violet plants as shown below:

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20 Responses

  1. I can’t believe there aren’t any comments on this post yet!
    Thank you so much for writing such a detailed article with so many pictures for illustration! I’ve really enjoyed browsing all the articles on this website. Amazingly helpful; thank you for all that you do!

  2. Thank you Rachel for your kind comment. I am glad to be of help. Happy to hear that the posts were useful!, BV

  3. Hello, My Violet was absolutely Healthy and I’ve got it for three and it was gorgeous until I went for holiday for 3 days and I scared if the solid got dehydrated so I filled the under pot with water fully. As soon as I came back I noticed the outer leaves weren’t straight and the solid was wet. I put it in a warmer place and later on the condition got worse and more leaves went withered. I changed the pot and the rots were rotten and all brown and pulpy. But I washed the roots and repot my violet with better solid and now placed it in my hall where I hope to be cooler to survive. Could u please tell me how I can heal my violet? My email if nessasry email me directly plz It’ll be great favour thanks

  4. Hello Ali,
    thank you for your question. It seems like the soil was very dry and then became wet again. Violets dont usually like going through extreme dry/ wet conditions. When you say you washed the roots, hopefully you didnt remove too many and left the rootball. Next time, just remove the rotted roots and leave the rest. For now, do not re-pot again for a while, make sure its the right pot size and can place in a plastic baggie and seal. Keep the plant away from direct sunlight, you are correct to have placed in a cooler location, it should still receive filtered sunlight. Keep it in the baggie for 2-3 weeks, it may perk up. Also, make sure to remove any wilted, brown or dead leaves. Hope this helps, best of luck,

  5. I seem to be having an issue with crown rot, which is the same organism that causes root rot. So would the treatment be basically the same, removing the dead crown tissue along with stems and leaves. Leaving only a root system to
    re-generate a new crown.

  6. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for your question. Yes, root rot can eventually spread to the crown. Yes, you can remove the leaves, the dead crown area and if the roots are good and the crown is still green and not soft to touch or mushy, you can go ahead and repot the roots. Make sure its a smaller size pot, not too large.
    Hope this helps,

  7. Thank you for explaining all my problems! How do you know when to simply trim the rotted roots versus decapitation?
    Back story: I bought a bunch of violets for my late-day sunny work window and all outer leaves were water logged and fell off. I’ve been trying to regulate watering (goes from wet/dry pretty quickly), but I believe some are simply rotted due to a mixture of issues you mentioned (environment shock, watering irregularities, etc.).

  8. Hello Debbie,
    thank you for your question. If the main stem of your plant is soft, mushy, looks dark brown, wet or soggy, then its time for decapitation. One way to check, is to remove the plant from the pot, gently remove some soil from the lower stem area, and see if you can feel the stem, does it feel soft, does it look dark brown/rotted? Then its probably rotted through. However, if it looks green and feels firm, then it may not have rotted all the way through. You can gently slice off a small piece of the stem from the side, and check inside, to see what it looks like, green or brown. Green means its still not rotted and brown means rotted. For the roots, if the majority of roots are bright white/grey roots and only some are dark brown, wet, then you can remove those brown roots, they are rotted. However, if the roots all seems brown, rotted, then allow the soil to dry out first then check again, it may mean you have to remove the rotted roots, check the stem and then decided whether to decapitate or not. Hope this helps, regards, BV

  9. If the AV has crown rot and I remove some limp leaves can I use them to start new plants? I’m afraid my Blue Mist might not survive the crown rot and I hope there is some way to propagate it.

  10. Hello Janelle,
    Thank you for your question. Yes, you can use the limp leaves to start new plants, as long as they have a firm stem. The leaf stem should not be mushy or soft or rotted. If the leaf is slightly soft, brown on the top its fine, still can use. Unfortunately, there is no permanent solution to crown rot, once the plant is lost, its gone. You can control crown rot initially, by controlling your watering frequency and using a light perlite based soil. During re-potting you can also put a thin layer of coarse perlite at the bottom of the pot and then add your regular soil, this will help with drainage.
    Hope this helps,

  11. i have a beautiful, healthy AV with 6 rows of leaves that flowered every 3 months. The bottom row started to droop and rot one by one, but faster than this plant’s normal so I decided to repot since i had not in a year and the stem was sticking out pretty high from the dirt. I repotted in the same pot using AV mixture soil, and was sad that the soil it had been sitting in was way wetter than I had realized. 🙁 The roots were long and dirty and I could not tell if they were rotten because they did not detach. I noticed a *few* white roots near the stem. I sat the pot in a tray of water for 10 mins to water from bottom and left the plant to acclimate. The next morning the entire bottom row of leaves were drooping! I did more research and decided maybe I shouldn’t have watered the repotting at all so I dumped it again, and yes, the soil was wet. So i repotted AGAIN in dry AV mix, took off a couple of the droopiest leaves and 4 hours later only the bottom row remains droopy. I am so sad. I want to pull it up again and check the stem but I fear I’ve already shocked it so much in the last 24 hours that I should just leave it and hope for the best. Any advice? Should I bag it since I didn’t water the new AV medium, even though the bottom row of leaves are all limp. I wish I had found this site BEFORE I started the repotting so I would have known better what to look for when I had the whole stem and roots exposed… Thanks for all your great content.

  12. Hello,
    thank you for your question. Yes, it seems like, the plant was overwatered and the dunk again may have stressed it out. You did the right thing by repotting it in dry AV mix and removing the bottom few leaves. For now, yes let it get settled down. You can place it in a baggie for 2-3 weeks. After one week, take a look at it, only from the outside, dont open the bag. If the outer leaves look droopy or moist or dead, thats ok. The center leaves and inner leaves should look green, healthy and bright. During the second week, again take a look at it from outside, if there is a lot of condensation, you can open up the bag for a few hours, wipe off the water droplets and close the bag again. If the soil seems dry, or plant wilted, you can give it very little water, just enough to moisten the top soil. At this point you can remove any lower bottom leaves that dont look good. If a lot of water drains through and collects in at the bottom of the baggie, you can get rid of the excess water and place the plant back in. During the third week, if all looks good, open up the baggie, keep bag open for another week, then during the 4th week, can remove the plant from the baggie. You can pick a day, say Monday and only check the plant once a week every Monday, that way you wont be constantly trying to see whats happening. Sometimes, plants can surprise you, though in either a good or bad way, there’s no exact formula, just trial and error. Hope this helps,

  13. I’m baffled with this AV. I’m loosing the older lower leaves one at a time. I think I overwatered about a 8 weeks ago so I followed root rot protocol and repotted in fresh dry soil. I bagged it for a week and it looked as though I had saved this AV. It proved me wrong though when after a couple of weeks and dry soil, I gave it just a sip of water. No more then a tablespoon and within a day the most mature leaf develops a black necrotic tip that creeps up the leaf toward the crown. I snip off the dying leaf before it reaches the petiole. I give it another week until the soil is dry again and a sip of water, maybe a teaspoon, and the same thing happens. I’m down to eight small leaves now and the crown is still cranking out new leaves from the center. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

  14. Hello Mel,
    Seems like your root rot is spreading. You can take out the plant from its pot and see if you can see any brown/mushy roots. If yes, snip them off gently. Try to keep the roots which look grey/white in color. If your crown is producing new leaves, that’s a good sign. As long as they are bright green/healthy. If they seem mushy and limp, then the plant may be lost to root rot. Give it some time, it may still recover in the next 3-4 weeks. Hope this helps, best of luck!

  15. Very impressive with the information. I like to no what to do when you have a very tight crown of leaves that are curl back and looks very fuzzy. Please help me

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