Soil Mealy Bugs are found inside the soil of African Violet plants, closer to the roots. They can spread very fast between plants and measures need to be taken quickly to control them.

These are common questions answered about African Violet Soil Mealy Bugs:

What are Soil Mealy Bugs?

How do Soil Mealy Bugs Occur on African Violet plants?

What causes Soil Mealy Bugs to appear and how to prevent them on African Violet plants?

What are the external African Violet plant symptoms of Soil Mealy Bug infestation?

What are the internal African Violet plant symptoms of Soil Mealy Bug infestation?

What do Soil Mealy Bugs look like?

Can I save an African Violet plant dying from Soil Mealy Bugs?

Below are a few treatment options for soil mealy bugs on African Violet plants:

How to chemically treat Soil Mealy Bug infestation in African Violet plants?

These are chemical alternatives for eradication of soil mealy bugs on African Violet plants:

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3 Responses

  1. Hello,
    thank you for your question. Yes, there are a few other bugs that are found on african violet leaves, these include, leaf mealybugs, thrips, aphids, mites, whiteflies and fungus gnats Hope this helps, regards, BV

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